It Is Now the “Israel-led” Coalition that Is Destroying Yemen

The answer came in award-winning journalist Vanessa Beeley’s March, 2020, interviews with Yemeni leaders. She was told the various ways in which the United Nations continues to betray the interests of Yemenis. While the UN praises Coalition leaders for pledged donations of $2 billion — at least 80% of which disappears or is skimmed off the top — the UN does not criticize the same leaders for their theft of $15 billion/year from Yemen’s oil and gas resources. The move of Yemen’s bank from Sana’a to Coalition-controlled Aden prevents Houthis from accessing bank services such as social assistance and paying for various kinds of aid.

Nabel Alabdalla – “History will not be erased by a fanatic and war criminal”

The following is a statement from the commander of the National Defence Forces in the Syrian Christian city of Al Sqeilbiyyeh, Nabel Alabdalla. Nabel is planning to build a symbolic version of Hagia Sophia in his city on the land that he and his soldiers have defended for 10 years against the terrorist gangs dominated by Al Qaeda and sponsored by the US Coalition, including Turkey (a NATO member state)

Syria – challenging Caesar.

The main reason I began this initiative is to decrease the suffering of the Syrian people. I want to offer real job opportunities and to encourage activists and young people to establish their own small businesses. We are a candle in a very dark tunnel but there are people coming back from outside Syria to help rebuild. I want the next generation to look back and thank this generation for not abandoning this country in its hour of need. If the experiment works here in Damascus, we will travel to every other major city in Syria with the same concept.

Syria: the ‘resurrection’ of Hagia Sophia in Al Sqeilbiyyeh, northern Hama

For Nabel and Simon, this is about ensuring that the sacrifices of their soldiers and the blood shed by the Syrian Arab Army and allies is not in vain. It is to make sure that everything they defend is sustained for their families, for their country and for the stability of the region. It is to provide a future for their children that is brimming with diversity, tolerance, compassion and secularism – where all faiths coexist without war or externally orchestrated division.

Psychologically locked down.

I’m afraid we’ve chosen a course where we decided to hand in the keys of our lives and our freedoms to the Government in return for the illusion of safety. From this there is only one escape — but that would involve something I’m not sure we’re yet ready to do.

Bill Browder, a Billionaire Accused of Being a Fraud and Liar

In summation, for ten years or more, no one in the West ever seriously challenged Bill Browder’s account of what happened to his “lawyer” Sergei Magnitsky and his stories of corruption and malfeasance in Russia. This is what allowed him to get such influence that the Magnitsky Act was passed, despite Russia’s attempts to clarify matters.

American scorched earth policy in Syria compounded by economic terrorism and Covid-19.

American barbarism and genocidal supremacism must be called to account. The rogue-state standards that the U.S. is setting for the world will threaten all Humanity now and in the future. Syrian lives matter because without this beleaguered nation setting us the example for resilience, resourcefulness and resistance against neo-colonialist hegemony, perpetual war will be the status quo for the foreseeable future.