75 Years & Counting: A History of Western Regime Change in Syria Part I

Part one of this series will go from 1946 to 2012 although the US, UK, EU interference in Syria began long before that. Part two will cover events from 2012 onwards demonstrating the manipulation of events and biased media coverage of the US Coalition proxy war against Syria leading to a ten year war, barbaric economic sanctions and horrifying bloodshed to remove the Syrian government from power and to secure US/UK/Israeli/Turkish/Gulf State interests in the region.

Debunking CIA and MI6 Syria narratives – one by one

Over the next few weeks, I intend writing a series of short articles detailing aspects of Syrian society and the context of the latest destabilisation campaign engineered by CIA, MI6 agencies & supported by allies in Israel, Turkey, EU, Gulf States, NATO. I hope to expose the reductionism that continues to plague the Syria narrative on both sides of the fence – and to bring to light perspectives that have previously been kept from view.

The Syrian October 1973 war to liberate Golan Heights betrayed by Egypt’s President Sadat

Anwar al-Sadat, holder of the titles of President, Prime Minister, ASU Chairman, Chief Commander, Supreme Military Ruler, entered into conspiracy with the Israelis, betrayed his ally Syria, condemned the Syrian army to destruction and Damascus to bombardment, allowed General Sharon’s tanks to cross without hindrance to the western bank of the Suez Canal, and actually planned a defeat of the Egyptian troops in the October War.

There is no Pandemic

There is currently no justification for any mass Covid-19 vaccination program. Dee’s figures indicate that Covid-19 presents no more of a health risk than seasonal flu.