Turkey: Sharia law or apparent secularism?

Will Turkey’s eligible voting population of about 60 millions individuals chose for a return to democratic values and a supposedly secular system termed Kemalism or will they opt for a course of steady-as-she-goes, which would herald a return to a life determined by the Prophet’s example and the divine law that is Sharia?

The Lost Generation: the abuse and exploitation of Syrian refugee children in Turkey

I talk to opposition MP in Turkey, Ilay Aksoy, about the 2.5 million Syrian children in Turkey many of whom are being exploited and abused on an unimaginable scale. Many are not going to school, child marriages are rife, children are being “rented” from their parents in Idlib under occupation of western-backed Al Qaeda affiliated armed groups. These children are then being repeatedly abused.

Is Erdogan a US/UK stooge or a rogue dictator with delusions of empire?

We cover the recent unrest in Turkey and backlash against the growing Syrian refugee population, now believed to be an estimated five million. We talk about emerging energy sector alliances that may be surprising in who they bring together, partnering Israel with Lebanon to counter the rise of Russian influence in the region with Iran and Hezbollah and much more

Syria: the ‘resurrection’ of Hagia Sophia in Al Sqeilbiyyeh, northern Hama

For Nabel and Simon, this is about ensuring that the sacrifices of their soldiers and the blood shed by the Syrian Arab Army and allies is not in vain. It is to make sure that everything they defend is sustained for their families, for their country and for the stability of the region. It is to provide a future for their children that is brimming with diversity, tolerance, compassion and secularism – where all faiths coexist without war or externally orchestrated division.

On the ground in Idlib -Vanessa Beeley interviewed by Robin Philpot (French)

Cette guerre livrée à la Syrie depuis 2011, rappelle Vanessa Beeley, est une invasion et une occupation menées par des groupes terroristes financés et soutenus notamment par Washington, Londres, Paris mais aussi par la Turquie et Israël. Libérer le territoire syrien n’est ni plus ni moins la seule façon de faire respecter le droit international et de rétablir la paix.

Dr Bashar Al Jaafari – OPCW, UNSC cover-up, Erdogan exporting terrorism to EU

The reason for the meeting was that western states in the Security Council refused to hold a formal meeting to hear very important views and recent developments in the so-called chemical dossier in the light of the statements of international expert Ian Henderson of Australian nationality, a member of the Fact-finding Commission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, who went to Douma to investigate the false allegation regarding the use of chemical weapons in Douma.

Erdogan uses ISIS captives as geopolitical pawn against NATO allies

The U.S. Coalition has effectively given Turkey free rein to maneuver and recycle terrorist and extremist factions with impunity in order to achieve its political ambitions in Syria. That campaign has failed miserably, western journalists fleeing the north-east of Syria during the start of the Turkish operation came face to face with the monsters unleashed upon the Syrian people for nine years, by their governments in the West and their allies in the Gulf States and Israel.

SYRIA: Turkey, the Kurds and NATO explained

“Anyone who is not loyal to his country and sells it at the lowest price, he/she will find themselves thrown out of the history. We have warned for many times of these conspiracies against the homeland and the Syrian people, and we said that those who throw themselves into the lap of the foreigner, the foreign will kick them out when the time is right,”