The Blind Alleys of European Politics

The EU institutionally ‘functions’, if at all, best in ‘fair-weather’. It is being stress-tested to break-point, by the onset of foul-weather, for which it simply is not adapted either at the supra-national or national level.

The Forces of Darkness in France ~ Jacob Cohen.

France: “Human Rights” and Citizen Rights. There is no advantage at this time, except for aping the political class and its lackeys, in introducing such totalitarian ideologies. Damned are those who go against the dictates of the ruling classes, the system.  “Justice”- nothing more than a servile assistant – is crumbling under the weight of…

When is Freedom of Speech not Freedom of Speech?

Freedom of speech is an empty principle if it is not applied universally. Dieudonne is being accused of glorifying terrorism with his frankly pretty inocuous Facebook post that he almost immediately deleted. Charlie Hebdo gratuitously incited violence and terrorism for many years by stigmatising and mocking an already oppressed and segregated Muslim minority in France.…