AFGHANISTAN: Examining the Myths, the Lies and the Legends ~ Andre Vltchek

“Before Bagram I served at the Leatherneck US Base, in Helmand Province. When the Americans were leaving, they even used to pull out concrete from the ground. They joked: “When we came here, there was nothing, and there will be nothing after we leave…” They prohibited us from giving food to local children. What we couldn’t consume, we had to destroy, but never give to local people. I still don’t understand, why? Those who come from the US or Western Europe are showing so much spite for the Afghan people!”

Uncle Sam dumps Afghan mess on Russia

American imperial machinations in Afghanistan – supposedly in revenge for purported 9/11 terror attacks on the US in 2001 – have created an utter catastrophe. After two decades, Afghanistan lies in ruins and the Taliban are poised to once again be back in power. A recent study by Brown University estimates the cost of the war at $2.26 trillion. That cost will grow into the future amid healthcare payouts for veterans and financial interest. More than 71,000 Afghan civilians were killed. And for what? Afghanistan is American imperial hubris and state terrorism gone mad.

“F*ck Humanitarian Aid Agencies”

The thread I have published below appeared on Twitter today and I think it is worth sharing. My experience of visiting the Moria “refugee camp” on Lesvos Island in Greece in June 2016 was equally shocking. This was a concentration camp. Barbed wire curled above the two deep cages of iron that enclosed thousands of…