The “Moderate Rebel” Torture Chambers of East Aleppo

13th January 2017 Afraa Dagher Syrian News The western media always tries to discriminate FSA from ISIS, calling the first “moderates” as if they were any different than “ISIS” in terms of degrading secular Syria into a theocratic state, using all forms of barbarism and atrocities.  The video below is of a woman who survived…

EXCLUSIVE: ‘President’ Raed Saleh’s Terrorist Connections within White Helmet Leadership

8th January 2017 Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire “Every single one of us has taken an oath to save lives regardless of political, sectarian or religious affiliation! We are neutral, impartial and humanitarian.” ~ Raed Saleh Noble words from Saleh, leader of the White Helmets, as he accepted the prestigious Right Livelihood Award on behalf of his NATO allied and Gulf…

SYRIAN VOICES: Abdo Haddad from Maaloula asks Europe a Question.

7th January 2017 Abdo Haddad: Is Europe Shifting? Right versus Left? Or Right versus Wrong? When I first visited Poland in February 2016, President Andrzej Duda was newly elected and yet, on the plane towards Warsaw, I grabbed a local newspaper and was stunned by the amount of opposition and criticism this fresh president had…

The Revolutionary Distemper in Syria That Wasn’t ~ Stephen Gowans

6th January 2017 On the road out of Sukare, East Aleppo. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley) Apparently, the US Left has yet to figure out that Washington doesn’t try to overthrow neoliberals. If Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were a devotee of the Washington Consensus–as Counterpunch’s Eric Draitser seems to believe–the United States government wouldn’t have been calling…