USA is the central battlefield in the global total war

There can be little doubt that we are at war, except it’s not quite like in the movies. This war is unlike any others about which we learned in school where two opposed forces meet in a battlefield and fight it out until one side prevails. That kind of war is happening in Ukraine, but that’s only a part of the conflict that’s engulfed nearly all the rest of the world. It manifests in different and seemingly unrelated ways, but it is part of the same conflict.

Betting All on Hegemony; Risking All, To Stave Off Ruin

But the Files reveal something even more chilling. What was the overall public response to the publication of the files? Plainly said: It is that a majority of the people are so numbed and passive – and so in lockstep – as the state inches them through a series of repeating emergencies towards a new kind of authoritarianism, that they don’t fuss greatly, or even notice much.

The Middle East frees itself from the West

The reconciliation between Saudi Arabia, leader of the Sunni Muslim world, and Iran, leader of the Shiite Muslim world, finally makes possible an era of peace in the Middle East. It was made possible by Russia, ally of the two enemy brothers, and negotiated first in Iraq and Oman before being concluded by China, Iran’s millennial ally, acting impartially. This agreement closes eleven years of wars and Western influence.

End the siege on Syria now!

Everyone who is a decent human being should demand an immediate lifting of the Caesar sanctions on Syria, which has been hit with sanctions from the United States and many other nations, in an escalating manner, for more than 10 years.

Endgame for Ukraine: America vs America

There are worries too, that the Ukraine war is contributing to a serious weakening of America’s standing in the world. And there are concerns that a reckless Team Biden could lose control and take the U.S. into a wider war with Russia.

EU’s ‘Ukraine Derangement’ blights the entire Middle East

The initial western financial thrust to collapse the Russian economy backfired by driving up energy prices for the benefit of western rivals. However, it is Russia’s next step ​–​ if implemented ​–​ that threatens to drive up commodity prices, undermine western financial markets​,​ and ultimately collapse their currencies.