21st December 2016

Dear readers,

As I am still in Syria and intending to return to Aleppo shortly, I apologise that I am unable to post as much as I would like due to internet restrictions which make it difficult to get onto my wordpress site.

My interviews and articles will also appear at 21st Century Wire and UK Column.

I have recorded a series of testimonies with civilians leaving the recently liberated East Aleppo districts for the safety of the Syrian Government held West Aleppo. Syrian Arab Army forces and their allies in Hezbollah, Iran, Russia have swept these eastern districts clean of the NATO and Gulf state funded, Nusra Front-led militant and terrorist factions who have been imprisoning, brutalising and starving civilians for the last, almost, five years.

Corporate media has played an important role in maintaining the narrative that has ensured the continued incarceration of these people under the Al Qaeda/Nusra Front-led terrorist and militant regime.

Here one man in Hanano expresses his joy at being liberated:




  1. Hi Vanessa, I’m sure this is just an oversight on your part but your “donate” button takes me to a french language version of Paypal etc. I think this will deter many anglophones who may give up the effort to donate.
    Keep up the good fight.


  2. Vanessa, you have been in my thoughts daily as have the Syrian people. I spent Christmas week at Dechen Choling Shambhala center near Limoges & there we also had prayers and thoughts of the Walls beyond the walls of a Shrine room. As ever putting a protective light around you, a light that burns hot thru darkness and destruction. May we all cross this arbitrary line that marks passages of time to enter a new consciousness of being. May Tara watch over you and your beloved Syria. Ruthanne & Kevin


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