Twitter insider leaks video of Jack Dorsey planning political censorship

BREAKING: Twitter Insider Secretly Records CEO Jack Dorsey Detailing Agenda For Further Political Censorship

“We are focused on one account [Donald Trump] right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer…”

I wrote about Jack Dorsey’s influence in censorship of challenges to Great Reset cartel here:

Jack Dorsey, the CIA and twitter censorship in the age of Covid-19

Related from Off-Guardian

“Donald Trump has been deleted from the internet. He hasn’t been put behind a warning or had his followers reduced, or been forced to switch platforms. He’s gone.

Snapchat. Twitter. Facebook. YouTube. Google. Amazon. Instagram. Shopify. Twitch. Tiktok. Gone.

And he’s the President of the United States. If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone.

Indeed, that’s the message being sent. It’s an intimidation move, designed to frighten people into policing themselves….”

Trump’s been deleted from Twitter and any one of us could be next 

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