Refugee crisis is a war propaganda tool ~ by Diallo Kenyatta

The only time any crisis gets any coverage in the media is when it can politically or economically serve the Systems and Institutions of White Domination. That’s it. As soon as the West’s objectives are met, the crisis goes away; even if people are still suffering and dying.

“Don’t be tricked.

The Western media and the White Left are all up in arms about the Syrian refugee crisis. You will see images of suffering Syrians and hear all bout their plight, but like Bob Marleysaid “don’t let em fool ya.”

The Western media and the imperial nations, and the Liberal Left don’t give a hot, dirty damn about the Syrians.

How do I know?

I know because I know there are crisis and atrocities happening all over the world, inDemocratic Republic of the Congo, in Indonesia, in Papua New Guinea, in Haiti, inHonduras, in the US prison system, in the West Bank and Gaza, in Detroit, in Chicago, etc, etc, etc. The world is saturated in crisis and the vast majority of them don’t even get coverage.

The only time any crisis gets any coverage in the media is when it can politically or economically serve the Systems and Institutions of White Domination. That’s it. As soon as the West’s objectives are met, the crisis goes away; even if people are still suffering and dying.

Look at all the Police Atrocities in the US media, if we were not in an election cycle and the corporate media didn’t need to alarm and mobilize the White masses, we wouldn’t be seeing coverage of the atrocities and our community responses.

They did the same shit with the Beating of Rodney King, which brought about theRepublican Revolution of the early 1990s. Trump is riding a wave of White insecurity fed by Black rebellion and protest.

Remember how up in arms the US was about the treatment of women under the Taliban, when’s the last time you heard anything about those poor women in the Burqas in the US media? You think they better off not than when the US invaded?

Syria is a target of the West, they want to destabilized the region and control the output of carbon fuels from the region, while limiting Chin(a)’s access to the resources. So they are giving attention to the atrocities, they are pulling at your heart strings, and they will soon give a solution that involves using NATO, or the US armed forces to save people (by killing even more of them) like they did in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now, don’t think that I’m saying not to feel sympathy and offer what assistance you can to refugees and suffering people in our communities and across the globe. I’m just saying we should think that the media and the Elites share our concerns just because they are reporting on the problem.

The Elites only goal is to profit, they only seek to profit from the misery they cause, not to end it.”


Diallo Kenyatta

2 thoughts on “Refugee crisis is a war propaganda tool ~ by Diallo Kenyatta

  1. absolutely agree, of course, but with a few comments. one – the migrants are nearly all male – and young military aged men. war refugees flee as whole families. since when did healthy young men flee war and leave their most vulnerable family members behind to face aggressors alone? the migrants are said to come from many countries. many believe that while there would be justification for a large influx of war refugees, given the extreme violence and aggression of the US over many years, the facts in this case make it appear to be something else. the crisis is believed to be orchestrated by the western elite, who are aiming to actually destroy their own societies through a mass migration of men from hostile cultures. many see this as an attempt by the western elite to bring about a kind of soft genocide of their own people….. all in the attempt to somehow orchestrate global tyrannical government.

    I saw a film clip from the UK in which a UK leader (I don’t know who) actually said publicly that if the European people do not intermarry with immigrants that the government will step in and use coercive measures to make it happen.

    In other words, I think the word “white” can be basically dropped from the narrative. what we are witnessing is unexpected and is hard for people to digest, so many continue to look at the situation through an old lens. If you have a chance, watch the youtube video (viral vid). It is only 19 minutes and you will perhaps gain a new understanding of elite motives.

    This is not about bringing more power to “white” people – but rather an effort to gradually eliminate them and their liberal Western values from the planet.


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