Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speaks at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace

By the Children’s Health Defense Team 

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke to hundreds of thousands in the streets of Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2020. With Großer Stern Square and the Siegesäule Monument as a backdrop, Mr. Kennedy talked about government control by fear and spoke out against totalitarianism.

He said the government and those with the greatest wealth and control have done a terrible job on public health and will shift us all to 5G and a cashless society. He said that 5G is being pushed on us as a good thing but it will be used for surveillance and data harvesting.

Mr. Kennedy added that the COVID 19 pandemic is a crisis of convenience that is destroying the middle class, impoverishing us all, and it is making the powerful elite even more powerful. He closed with the message that we must protect our fellow man, our vulnerable children and our freedoms and democracy!

Robert Kennedy Jr:

Thanks. Back home, the papers say I came here today to talk to 5,000 Nazis. (…) I see this crowd, and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people who love democracy, who want open government. I look at this crowd, I see all the flags of Europe, I see people of all colors, I see people of all nations, all religions, all concerned about human dignity, the health of children and political freedom.

It is the opposite of Nazism.

Governments love pandemics, and they love pandemics for the same reasons they love war. Because it gives them the possibility of imposing controls on the population that the latter would never accept otherwise.

The leaders will invent arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate the obedience of the people. We want health officials who have no financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry and who work for us, not for Big Pharma…

Seventy-five years ago Hermann Göring testified at the Nuremberg trials, and he was asked how he got the Germans to accept all of this. And he said “it’s an easy thing, it has nothing to do with Nazism. It has to do with human nature. You can do it under a Nazi regime. In a socialist regime, in a communist regime, in a monarchy and a democracy.

The only thing you need to turn people into slaves is fear.

Sixty years ago my uncle John Kennedy came to this city. He came here to Berlin because Berlin was the front line against global totalitarianism. And even today, Berlin is in the front line against global totalitarianism …

They haven’t done a great job protecting public health, but they’ve done a great job using quarantine to bring 5G into all of our communities …

The reason is monitoring and data collection. It’s not for you and me. It’s for Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and all the other millionaires. Bill Gates has said that his fleet of satellites will be able to observe every square inch of the planet 24 hours a day. This is only the beginning, he will be able to follow you on all your smart devices thanks to biometric recognition, via your GPS .

The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elites who dictate these policies. It gives them the ability to wipe out the middle class to destroy the institutions of democracy, to transfer all of our wealth to a handful of billionaires to enrich themselves by impoverishing the rest of us. And the only thing between them and our children is this crowd that came to Berlin…

We will demand the return of our democracy. Thanks to all of you for fighting.

Senta Depuydt, Officer of the New CHD-Europe Chapter, Berlin Rally Speech  

Dear friends who came from all over Europe.  Today we are here to give the world a powerful message.

Humanity can not and will not longer be ruled by a model based on threat and control.

Right here, right now, we can all refuse this. Right here, right now, we can change the ‘narrative’. We can create ‘OUR new normal’.

We keep hearing the words ‘Solidarity’, compassion and equal rights in the mouths of politicians who try to separate and divide us. People who order fines, isolation, experiment on our health and restrict all our freedoms. Those people are not philanthropists.  They ask us to believe in a new religion called ‘the scientific consensus’, a fabricated dogma used by a corrupt cast called ‘experts’ who serve no other than their own interest..

Tracking and tracing are the tools of this inquisition.  We know where this ultimately lead us to : Isolation, punishment and slavery.

We can choose to see things as they are, with the dangers and the opportunities they bear.

I believe history has given the German people this capacity and this responsibility.

So, I have some very good news to share, because today I am surrounded by brave people.

I am standing next to a man who is literally catching snakes with his bare hands. (Yes, watch it on instagram).  Rattlesnakes hiding in the bushes of the californian valleys, and also more poisonous species who produce toxic drugs and pesticides and experiment them on humans and on nature.

This man acts with courage, passion, service and faith. That is true leadership, the capacity to inspire others by one’s actions.  That is what the Kennedy’s have done, that is their legacy.

And today, today this man meets other men and women with the same values. All of you here who have come to show your true courage, your true solidarity, your true humanity. All of you who individually and collectively are peacefully manifesting your sovereignty.

I will call you all Berliners.

And as a European, as a mother, as an individual asking for the respect of my human rights I say that I am proud to  ‘a Berliner’.

Children’s Health Defense Europe wants to become a Berliner alliance.

Thank you so much for joining us.

Grazie a tutti per la vostra presenza.

Hartelijk dank voor jullie aanwezigheid

Merci a tous de votre présence.

Gracias por su presencia.

Vielen Danke fur Ihren Anwesenheit


Vanessa Beeley on Facebook:

 I watched the images and videos of the crowds gathering in the UK and Europe with simmering hope. People are awake and aware of the lies being fed to them by their governments and tame media outlets – the Covid-19 gaslighting project has decimated the economy, led to a deliberate culling of the elderly who are being tortured, detained and allowed to die isolated and without medical attention.

Abuse in children has increased during the imprisonment of lockdown, suicide is on the rise, depression abounds all because of scientific models that are being challenged by a huge number of doctors, scientists, epidemiologists, nurses, virologists and other such experts. We are globally being tenderised for a future of serfdom and obeissance to Empire, the same empire that has destroyed target nations, murdered target peoples and run infanticide campaigns globally but we are supposed to believe them “this time”. Now, we are the victims of hybrid warfare and the anti-war organisations don’t recognise it or are now so horribly absorbed into the establishment, they don’t want to see it.

No, I am not saying Covid19 is a hoax, I am saying it is NOT a “pandemic” and when the dust finally settles as it did over the WHO “pandemic” swine flu hysteria in 2009, will people remember these words? People who are now pushing us to “trust the WHO” have forgotten this statement:

“The world is going through a real pandemic. The description of it as a fake is wrong and irresponsible,” WHO 2009

Not long after, the swine flu hoax was proven to be just that, a hoax.

“This wasn’t merely overcautiousness or simple misjudgment. The pandemic declaration and all the Klaxon-ringing since reflect sheer dishonesty motivated not by medical concerns but political ones.

Unquestionably, swine flu has proved to be vastly milder than ordinary seasonal flu. It kills at a third to a tenth the rate, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates. Data from other countries like France and Japan indicate it’s far tamer than that.”
Forbes article.

The consequences of lockdown and mask-wearing are not temporary, they will affect the global population for decades and will only be exacerabated if people do not resist the power grab that is being foisted upon them – the fourth industrial revolution, the surveillance epoch, the chipping and tatooing, all this will beome normal and you will be no longer in charge of your life or your security, you will be a blip on the ruling elite radar that can be eliminated with the push of a button. Everything will be out of your hands, including your own health and you will live in a global health tyranny, a medical totalitarian universe.

My greatest disappointment is with the so-called anti-war movements who have stood shoulder to shoulder with me in Syria, Yemen etc but who now shun those members of their community who are afraid for the future of humanity. They now are the censors, the de-platformers, the scathing smearers lumping us all together as anti-vaxxers, whack-jobs and granny-killers. When did this level of intellectual dishonesty and cowardice creep into their discourse? When did they become what they most abhorred before? When did they disallow opinion because it does not agree with their group think?

Do they really believe that people they have platformed in the past, whose research they have relied upon to evidence their anti-imperialist opinions are now foolish enough to take a position without research and evidence? Do they believe that we can be dismissed as idiots who do not care about humanity when they have spent years extolling our virtues as defenders of humanity? Do they believe we would deliberately cause the death of one human being or if they dig deep enough, do they remember that we care more than the majority of human beings about human beings?

I am writing this because I hope that all those maybe frightened and misled individuals and organisations will come to their senses. You have a responsibility as influential movements – to inform and educate but when you educate people on only one side of the argument you are the system, you are the establishment. You cease to be speaking truth to power, you are speaking lies on behalf of power and worse, you do not even entertain an alternative view held by your former comrades.

You know who you are. Please reconsider the censorship of alternative views on Covid-19, the doctors, scientists and ordinary human beings who do not accept loss of health sovereignty deserve to be heard or you are nothing but instruments of oppression.

Sadly, it appears that Ken Stone has already blocked me despite hosting me in Canada last year to speak about Syria.

“Those who are silent when others are oppressed are guilty of oppression themselves” ― Imam Hussein Ibn Ali ” 

2 thoughts on “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speaks at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace

  1. Thank you Vanessa .Very well said .Keep telling your truth which is our truth .We will win this attempt to enslave us all .Berlin is the proof .People from all over the world are waking up and proverbially saying , we will not take this anymore .Much love for what you do from Guy in Manitoba ,Canada.

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