USA is the central battlefield in the global total war

There can be little doubt that we are at war, except it’s not quite like in the movies. This war is unlike any others about which we learned in school where two opposed forces meet in a battlefield and fight it out until one side prevails. That kind of war is happening in Ukraine, but that’s only a part of the conflict that’s engulfed nearly all the rest of the world. It manifests in different and seemingly unrelated ways, but it is part of the same conflict.

SYRIA: Turkey, the Kurds and NATO explained

“Anyone who is not loyal to his country and sells it at the lowest price, he/she will find themselves thrown out of the history. We have warned for many times of these conspiracies against the homeland and the Syrian people, and we said that those who throw themselves into the lap of the foreigner, the foreign will kick them out when the time is right,”

SYRIA: Victory or the End of Humanity, Why Russia Got Involved ~ by, Andre Vltchek

Commemorating Russian martyrs fighting alongside SAA in Syria, defending Syrian sovereignty against NATO-member-financed terrorism.  Andre Vltchek in 2015 NEO Historically and intuitively, Russia has fought for the survival of humanity. Of course, things are not always pronounced or defined in such terms. However, already on several occasions, this enormous country has stood up against the…