Israel exposed on at least four fronts while US bogged down in Ukraine

I also look at the recent uptick in Israeli aggression against Syria and examine the complex reasons why. The region is heading for an escalation – between Hezbollah and Israel, Palestine and Israel and Syria and Israel or all three. Yemen also is looming as a very clear threat to Israel. The UK and US are bogged down in Ukraine leaving Israel more isolated than ever before.

Tools of destabilisation – mainstream media propaganda

The corporate media complex is the interface between the state, intelligence agencies and military industrial complex and the public. The media will follow the road map outlined by Morelli, ensuring the success of each element, in particular the demonisation of the leader in the crosshairs and the obfuscation of the underlying reasons for war. Intelligence operations will be covered up and even when they become public knowledge the state-aligned media will protect power from truth.

It Is Now the “Israel-led” Coalition that Is Destroying Yemen

The answer came in award-winning journalist Vanessa Beeley’s March, 2020, interviews with Yemeni leaders. She was told the various ways in which the United Nations continues to betray the interests of Yemenis. While the UN praises Coalition leaders for pledged donations of $2 billion — at least 80% of which disappears or is skimmed off the top — the UN does not criticize the same leaders for their theft of $15 billion/year from Yemen’s oil and gas resources. The move of Yemen’s bank from Sana’a to Coalition-controlled Aden prevents Houthis from accessing bank services such as social assistance and paying for various kinds of aid.