Syrian Civilians attacked by Idlib terrorists using US weapons

One thing is clear from my recent visit to the Idlib battle frontlines – the Bab Al Hawa border crossing is not the “humanitarian” lifeline as described by US, UK representatives and aligned officials at the UN. For these civilians, it represents the perpetual threat of death or injury, the destruction of their livelihood and a life of deprivation, bloodshed and fear.

US Coalition is sustaining terrorism in Syria with “humanitarian aid”

“All of the humanitarian aid which enters Bab al-Hawa is seized by HTS and sold at extortionate prices to the civilians under their control in the last remaining al-Qaeda haven,” she explained.Beeley maintains that by trying to maintain cross-border operations, the US intends to to sustain the terrorist enclave in Idlib and the war against the Syrian government.

Peter Ford dismantles the France, German, UK pro-Al Qaeda statement on Syria

The statement is remarkable as much for its omissions as for what it does say. Not a word about secularism or protection for minorities. That the jihadi groups are totally airbrushed out of the picture, except obliquely in a prohibition on using terrorism as a justification for use of armed force, is really quite striking. There is not a word here with which Hayat Tahrir Ash Sham, the dominant jihadi group, would not concur.